Transitory power objects
When the infant becomes attached to a doll or a special piece of soft cloth this is a symbolic transitory object. This cloth represents the breast and intimacy with the mother who is now taking more distance. The infant is in a Rite of Passage from total oneness with the mother/breast to a first infantile stage of some independence. The cloth doll is a powerful support for this infant, to continue carrying the mother with her even when mother is absent. The final stage of this infantile heroic journey will be that the child integrates the security that she will be cared for and mother will return soon ... a first level of internal parenting. This is a powerful infantile Magic - the mother is with me even when she is away.
Transitory power objects are exactly the same ... appropriate for each stage of your journey. Almost anything can be used - what is important is the intention we charge it with for the ritual we are facing. The use of a Power Object follows our Rites of Passage and Medicine Wheel: We become aware of a need or challenge, we define it as richly as possible as we walk towards it, we find an object (thing, image, song/mantra, dance, belief, emotion, gesture, posture, ...) to help us integrate a new aspect or to let go of something, we practice with it, we use it to face the real challenge sufficient times so as to complete our task, we make a small ritual to thank the object and integrate its powers as we let it go ... to be fully present for the next challenge and cycles.
Let's look at a few examples:
Shamanic Health Warning:
Just because you are told that a certain crystal or other object has a certain usable energy does not mean that this is true, true now, true for you, true in every case ..... Any object or ritual or image can liberate you or trap you. Your favourite Tarot cards, feather, drum, ... can be trapping you in an addictive fantasy about yourself and the spiritual dimensions. Whilst something as mundane as making small changes in, for example: a few words in your daily dialogue, the way you cook and eat, the way you go to sleep and rise in the morning, ... can be powerfully transforming.
The magic works when it is based upon deep listening to your story with its little 'insignificant' symbols and rituals.
Then you have to practice with any object or ritual, using it often in a range of simple daily situations. In this way you build your own unconscious and energetic relationship with it. It becomes part of your inner unconscious tool box. Then it will be available for more serious challenges as they come along.
Transitory power objects are exactly the same ... appropriate for each stage of your journey. Almost anything can be used - what is important is the intention we charge it with for the ritual we are facing. The use of a Power Object follows our Rites of Passage and Medicine Wheel: We become aware of a need or challenge, we define it as richly as possible as we walk towards it, we find an object (thing, image, song/mantra, dance, belief, emotion, gesture, posture, ...) to help us integrate a new aspect or to let go of something, we practice with it, we use it to face the real challenge sufficient times so as to complete our task, we make a small ritual to thank the object and integrate its powers as we let it go ... to be fully present for the next challenge and cycles.
Let's look at a few examples:
- Making the circle of the Medicine Wheel and invoking the four elements .... is a symbolic ritual that talks to our unconscious, reminding us to protect ourselves (the circle) and to listen to and respect the different elements in ourselves. As we repeat any simple ritual (our eating habits, putting on our make-up, how we leave the house to go to work, ... etc.) it becomes unconscious and has power. This can be power to keep us in old patterns or power to make change. Making a ritual in a group increases its power.
- The adolescent in us wants to break free, from their parents, from their addictions, from their hurt inner child, .... so looks for a group to join. This group might be spiritual, political, social or other ... but should serve the transitory function of making sense of the early inner experience, helping the person to build sufficient ego strength to become fully adult and take responsibility for their own life. Sadly most groups are not able to serve this function so they become addictive, trapping the person in dependency.
- I am often asked to do a Medicine Wheel in any kind of place, wherever needed. I used to carry the bare minimum of a few of my long term favourite objects for use in these times. Until I was asked to work when out having a coffee in a street bar, without my 'things'. We made an imaginary circle and then used the tea-cups, saucers, spoons and even the ashtray ... These things that were present in the moment worked as well as any of my 'special bits' would have worked. Our 'special' power objects and rituals are in themselves transitory until we learn that we can do magic with nothing special ... with a bit of dried shit on a stick.
Shamanic Health Warning:
Just because you are told that a certain crystal or other object has a certain usable energy does not mean that this is true, true now, true for you, true in every case ..... Any object or ritual or image can liberate you or trap you. Your favourite Tarot cards, feather, drum, ... can be trapping you in an addictive fantasy about yourself and the spiritual dimensions. Whilst something as mundane as making small changes in, for example: a few words in your daily dialogue, the way you cook and eat, the way you go to sleep and rise in the morning, ... can be powerfully transforming.
The magic works when it is based upon deep listening to your story with its little 'insignificant' symbols and rituals.
Then you have to practice with any object or ritual, using it often in a range of simple daily situations. In this way you build your own unconscious and energetic relationship with it. It becomes part of your inner unconscious tool box. Then it will be available for more serious challenges as they come along.