Your Heroes Journey
A traditional Heroes Journey would be the training, commitment, challenges and Rites of Passage required for the child to become adolescent … and more importantly for the adolescent to become adult WITHIN A SPECIFIC AND LIMITED COMMUNITY, NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE. This was essential for that community to develop responsible adults who would be able to, in their turn, take care of the community within that limited context. This is a journey of expanding consciousness and developing the appropriate skills and attitudes to survive and support the community though its challenges and crises.
A modern heroes journey must do the same but in our complex globalised and rapidly changing world
the relevant training, commitments, challenges and Rites of Passage are much more complex.
No one knows what will be required of our growing children and adolescents in 15 or 30 years!
The Heroes Journey of No Way takes us into this unknown territory.
No Way Training works in this space of “knowing that we do not know”, investigating via the
body and emotions, discovering the world anew like children, inventing new maps for this complex world
(your personal Medicine Wheel), and discovering the Rites of Passage appropriate for your Journey.
A modern heroes journey must do the same but in our complex globalised and rapidly changing world
the relevant training, commitments, challenges and Rites of Passage are much more complex.
No one knows what will be required of our growing children and adolescents in 15 or 30 years!
The Heroes Journey of No Way takes us into this unknown territory.
No Way Training works in this space of “knowing that we do not know”, investigating via the
body and emotions, discovering the world anew like children, inventing new maps for this complex world
(your personal Medicine Wheel), and discovering the Rites of Passage appropriate for your Journey.
A modern context for a modern heroes journey
In our modern western world, community and degrading natural environment this process is much more complex. Over the last hundreds of years we have developed schools and universities to fulfil some of this purpose. But that was within a concept of an infinitely exploitable planet, and on the back of exploiting women and worker slaves in other countries. In this context we believe that OUR science and religion and democracy can solve all the worlds problems. Our modern lives are tied totally into this exploitative view.
Western exploitation of other cultures and the natural resources has meant that we now live in a relative comfortable abundance. Our western European economy, 'the National Interest', that is our jobs, our health service, our education service and our pensions, have been built upon and are still dependent upon the massive exploitation, robbery of land and resources, slavery of workers. In our Western comfort we have become dependent … addictively so ... on this ongoing, legalised destructive exploitation. The big banks, investment and pension companies that generate income for our governments depend upon this. Our style of living, 'the National Interest' depends on this. We make wars, bribe and manipulate governments and support political parties that seem to maintain this consumerist National Interest.
You might cry out, ”not me! I am not included in this 'we' above”, “I am an ecologist, vegan, anti-wars, I give money to X. Y and Z causes”. But our easy consumption of these centralised services leaves us asleep, blind to many realities. In fact it inhibits our creativity, our understanding and indeed our freedom. We are unconscious slaves of comfort – comfortable in our fearful consumption. We imagine crisis when the centralised suppliers of services and information threaten to reduce our drug supply. We are controlled through the centralised Media and Fear. It is as if we live in a computer game world – we can see everything happening from the comfort of our sofa. We watch wars, tsunami, exploitation of the planet, extinction of species as if they were an interactive game. These are spliced between celebrity entertainment, sports, films and commercials. We can pseudo-participate by voting for pseudo-democracy or clicking a button to sign a petition or donate a few Euros.
Heroes Journey - Agents of Change Training
A first step in any journey is research, awareness, looking at what is really there. Our Inner child wants to believe that there is some magic solution from above. Our Inner Adolescent wants to believe that the science, Politics or our Spiritual practice …. will solve everything. A Heroes Journey which will lead us to becoming responsible adults in this complex modern world must investigate fully ALL that is implicated in this world. It is a painful process of 'Waking' to some difficult realities. Only when we notice and feel the pain of our sleepy addiction, will we find the force to embark on our personal heroes journey. In this personal journey to find our true self:
In our modern western world, community and degrading natural environment this process is much more complex. Over the last hundreds of years we have developed schools and universities to fulfil some of this purpose. But that was within a concept of an infinitely exploitable planet, and on the back of exploiting women and worker slaves in other countries. In this context we believe that OUR science and religion and democracy can solve all the worlds problems. Our modern lives are tied totally into this exploitative view.
Western exploitation of other cultures and the natural resources has meant that we now live in a relative comfortable abundance. Our western European economy, 'the National Interest', that is our jobs, our health service, our education service and our pensions, have been built upon and are still dependent upon the massive exploitation, robbery of land and resources, slavery of workers. In our Western comfort we have become dependent … addictively so ... on this ongoing, legalised destructive exploitation. The big banks, investment and pension companies that generate income for our governments depend upon this. Our style of living, 'the National Interest' depends on this. We make wars, bribe and manipulate governments and support political parties that seem to maintain this consumerist National Interest.
You might cry out, ”not me! I am not included in this 'we' above”, “I am an ecologist, vegan, anti-wars, I give money to X. Y and Z causes”. But our easy consumption of these centralised services leaves us asleep, blind to many realities. In fact it inhibits our creativity, our understanding and indeed our freedom. We are unconscious slaves of comfort – comfortable in our fearful consumption. We imagine crisis when the centralised suppliers of services and information threaten to reduce our drug supply. We are controlled through the centralised Media and Fear. It is as if we live in a computer game world – we can see everything happening from the comfort of our sofa. We watch wars, tsunami, exploitation of the planet, extinction of species as if they were an interactive game. These are spliced between celebrity entertainment, sports, films and commercials. We can pseudo-participate by voting for pseudo-democracy or clicking a button to sign a petition or donate a few Euros.
Heroes Journey - Agents of Change Training
A first step in any journey is research, awareness, looking at what is really there. Our Inner child wants to believe that there is some magic solution from above. Our Inner Adolescent wants to believe that the science, Politics or our Spiritual practice …. will solve everything. A Heroes Journey which will lead us to becoming responsible adults in this complex modern world must investigate fully ALL that is implicated in this world. It is a painful process of 'Waking' to some difficult realities. Only when we notice and feel the pain of our sleepy addiction, will we find the force to embark on our personal heroes journey. In this personal journey to find our true self:
- We must go back to look at our connection with the Earth and her natural cycles, how we have lost this connection, how we have even become afraid of it and even reject it. We will face this story and make our peace with it.
- We must go back to look at the relationship with our body, how we have lost this connection, how we have even become afraid of its sensations and impulses - how we blame and even reject it. We will re-find and make peace with our body.
- We must go back and look at the evolution of our modern culture, its exploitation, its arrogance as well as all its discoveries. We are products of this complex history so let our journey take us into deep investigation of these aspects
- We must go back to give place to and honour our ancestors and family. We have become orphans and must re-find this connection and belonging, so as to establish roots and find our power.